For them, the bank gives a check which soon finds its way back to the central institution as a deposit, credited to the account of some member bank. 而中央银行用支票支付证券,很快支票又会作为存款进入中央银行,并记入同一家会员银行的账户。
Your uncle repays a$ 100 loan from Tenth National Bank by writing a$ 100 check from his TNB checking account. 你的叔叔从他的TNB银行支票帐户开具100元支票,用来偿还他在第十国家银行的贷款。
Its branches distribute all over of China, I can visit the homepage of China Bank, where I can check my balance, pay bills, or make transfers, and check every transaction of my account. 我可以登陆中国银行的主页,查看存款余额,支付帐单,或进行转帐交易,核对自己帐户上的每一笔金钱来往。